Saturday, February 25, 2012

How do you say the word "karma" in Korean?

Please "Romanize" it for me. For instance, the word for 'one' is "hah-nah" in Korean. I would also like to find out how to download a Korean-English translator that produces the word in this Romanized form.

Thank you|||gal-ma (臧堧)

...but i think the english loanword ka-reu-ma (旃措ゴ毵? might be more common

and, unfortunately, i don't know of any translator like that one you're looking for|||I wrote a program which will take Korean text and convert it to its literal romanization, and vice-versa; it can take romanized text and convert it into Korean characters. (It performs NO translation of meanings.)

I've been meaning to make this program publicly available (freeware) on my personal webpage, but I haven't yet as I've been a bit busy. Let me know if you're interested and I'll notify you when I get around to posting it.
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