Sunday, March 4, 2012

What do you think about Babel Fish Translator from AltaVista?

Is it good? can you suggest a good web translator? Not for one or two words or phrases, but for long sentences. English to French. Thanks!|||I tree that Babel Fish is very great. You can translate forks by barata on many things different assuntos. Yourself want to read one other language what you no already know, Babel Fish will te help much!

*Translated by Babel Fish|||No online free translators are going to be accurate. If you want a good translation, then you need to pay for a person to do it.

Reason: All online translators just translate word for word.

Like, in Chinese "How are you?" is correctly translated "Ni hao ma?" literally: You Good?

But if you use babelfish then it translates it: "zenme yang nin?" Which is not even close. It gets even messier with longer sentences. Not even intelligible.|||There is no such thing. It is a great tool to try and figure out the meaning of something in another language. The key word being 'try' because the translations are awful.

Try this little experiment:

Go to Babel and type:

'I miss you'

and translate it in French, it will return:

'Je m'ennuie de vous.'

now copy that and translate it for French to English, it will return:

'I am bored you.'

That is what you get for free.|||The ONLY use for on-line free translators is to get a very general idea of what a text is about. That's all they will do--give you a general idea. If you want to know the exact details, you need a human to do the work (which needs you either need to learn French or pay the translation fees).

If you are trying to write something in French for a potential girlfriend, you can forget that girlfriend ;)|||To put it bluntly: I am sorry Marcell.

BabelFish or whatever: they are all... fishy.

Automated translators might perhaps give you some vaguely acceptable results with a 1 or 2 word sentence. OK, let's be forgiving: 3 words.

4 words, you are brave. 5 words and more, native speakers of whatever language will just laugh at you and turn down your request.|||Crap.|||Nice, useful, secondary tool, helpful but not reliable.

It is like like a clinex to an mechanic repairing a car, just to wipe hands...|||it's not good better ask to any french speaker|||Babelfish pleased me best! It is a direct hit! (Direct from the Babelfish translated.)

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